Turn Relationships into Revenue

Leverage the tools that empower you to show up online, foster relationships with the right decision makers, and make intelligent decisions on what content to share.

Turn Relationships into Revenue

Leverage the tools that empower you to show up online, foster relationships with the right decision makers, and make intelligent decisions on what content to share.

Build Relationships with the Right People

Whether you are a recent graduate looking for a job, or already established in sales, if you are not leveraging the power of Linkedin, you are leaving money on the table. Engage in the right conversations through focusing on the right people and identifying the paths to those decision makers. Take yourself through the next level of innovation and growth.

Brian Galicia, Sr.Director, Strategic Global ISV Alliances – Business Applications | Microsoft

Brian Galicia is an expert in every aspect of LinkedIn. Listen to Brian's keynote address to tap into his expertise and learn how to leverage LinkedIn to expand your network and find opportunity.

Latest ISV Connect Live Sessions


Meet Brian

I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest as a 1st generation American from a immigrant Filipino family. I hold a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science/Business from the University of Puget Sound where I met my beautiful wife. We currently live in the Seattle suburbs with our two amazing daughters and a English crème golden retriever. My passions include family, faith, friends, Peloton (handle – SEA12), fast cars (currently drive an Audi RS5), Legos (ask me about my Star Wars collection) and Video Games (Xbox handle – sigmachi96)

I currently lead a team that is empowering partners & ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) to grow their revenue with line-of-business (LOB) applications built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. I have a strong background in business process, customer relationship management (CRM), social and Cloud solutions and consult with many companies to utilize Microsoft solutions to enable Digital Transformation.

Follow me or subscribe for daily posts on Microsoft, CRM/ERP, LinkedIn and digital engagement
LinkedIn = www.linkedin.com/in/briangalicia
YouTube = aka.ms/ISVConnectLive
Twitter = @briangalicia
Clubhouse = @briangalicia

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